Splinter Cell Remake Getting A New Story
Developer Ubisoft Toronto is currently busy looking for potential scriptwriters to update the original game’s story that would be redesigned to appeal to a modern-day audience. It was in last December that Ubisoft officially announced that it was all hands on deck for the development of a Splinter Cell Remake to pay homage to the stealth action game that graced our CRT screens back in the good old days of the original Xbox back in 2002. We got a few more details about the upcoming Splinter Cell remake, and it’s safe to say that we’re getting a remake from the ground up. The title is being developed in Ubisoft’s Snowdrop engine that has been known to power Ubisoft’s The Division and the upcoming Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. In addition, this engine will also be featured in the upcoming Star Wars Game. Splinter Cell’s story centers around the protagonist Sam Fisher, who serves as a top of the line espionage agent for the U.S. National Security Agency’s secret arm, Third Echleon. Fisher goes behind enemy lines with the objective to keep the the world in order while cyber terrorism and international tensions threaten the world with the possibility of a New World War. It was evidently reported nearly a year ago in last October when Ubisoft announced that it had decided to greenlit what would be the first mainline Splinter Cell game in over a decade. It’s honestly been a long time and we got to enjoy some impressive dialogues between Sam Fisher and the small fry enemies. “We want to keep the spirit and themes of the original game while exploring our characters and the world to make them more authentic and believable. “As a Scriptwriter at Ubisoft Toronto, you will join the Narrative team and help create a cohesive and compelling narrative experience for a new audience of Splinter Cell fans.” – Scriptwriter Ad Development sources have informed that the title has been in production as a means of developing an atmosphere of trust and winning back the love of fans. It appears Ubisoft wants to make up with its fanbase following frustrations caused by disastrous mobile and VR releases that failed miserably to revive the franchise. There have been claims that the new Splinter Cell Game will draw inspiration from other action stealh based games the likes of IO Interactive’s Hitman franchise. So, what are your views on the upcoming Splinter Cell remake getting an altogether new story? Let us know in the comments below. We upload daily on Appuals, so stay tuned for more. Till then, see you later and goodbye. So, as we’re building it from the ground up, we’re going to update it visually, as well as some of the design elements to match player comfort and expectations, and we are going to keep it linear like the original games, not make it open world. – Producer Matt West during the game’s announcement.