Leveling up is done by collecting XP points which are granted in various ways. You can acquire them simply by owning games. The more games you own, the more experience points you receive! The second way to acquire XP points is by crafting and trading cards and badges on your profile. This is definitely the easiest and the most rewarding way of earning XP points. You use Trading Card Sets which you craft to make a Badge which will remain on your profile forever. These badges carry different rewards which are not related to leveling up and these are:

An emoticon you can use to chat with other players or on the forum.A background item which can also be used on your profile.A chance of receiving a discount for certain games.

The third way of acquiring XP points is by participating in various Community Events, Summer and Winter Sales, Beta programs, and you even receive some experience for every year you spend on Steam. Let’s find out how much experience you need to level up. Leveling up is easier in the beginning because it only takes 100 XP points to level up from level 1 to 10. This process changes from level 11 do 20 because you will need 200 XP points to level up. The same goes on and on by adding 100 XP required every 10 levels. The reward system for each level was pretty misunderstood from the beginning since there are no official articles on the subject at hand. However, a lot of users came together in order to realize just what you receive after leveling up on Steam. The rewards we are going to mention in the latter part of the article should not be confused with the rewards you receive from crafting badges since they are sometimes awarded at the same time. For example, you craft a badge which awards you with experience but that experience is also enough to get you to a new level. These are the rewards you receive for leveling up:

For each level, you receive +5 friend slots. The original number of friends you can display is 250 and you can add 50 more by connecting your Facebook account.You receive trading cards for playing minigames, voting and other actions which occur during Steam sales. This starts at level 8.For every 10 levels, you receive another profile showcase slot where you can display certain items and things about yourself which can really make your profile that much more interesting.For every 10 levels, your chance of receiving booster packs from badges increases by 20% which caps at level 50 and with a 100% drop rate of booster packs increase.

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